Bryan and Sarah Baeumler’s Revealed Their Romantic Love Story.

Bryan and Sarah Baeumler are the hosts of the HGTV show ‘Renovation Island.’ Apart from their luxury hotel and the million-dollar property in the exotic Bahamas Island, what we find compelling is their relationship. It is one of the reasons why many fans follow their shows closely.

In that regard, today, we talk about Bryan and Sarah’s Amazing love story.

Bryan and Sarah Baeumler Love Story

Meeting each other.

The story of Bryan and Sarah began when the duo was in high school. Even though they were in each other’s radar, they didn’t date for almost ten years. Finally, in 2001, an email from a mutual friend brought them together. It was then that the couple decided to meet for coffee after work.

Amazing First date.

After the coffee plan worked out, Bryan took Sarah out for her very first date in Toronto. According to her, Bryan had everything mapped out. They went to the cinema to watch ‘The Lion King,’ which was airing back then. After that, the couple had dinner at a sushi restaurant. Overall, Sarah thinks the first date was beautiful.

Bryan proposed to Sarah Baeumler.

At the time, Bryan’s family lived in Nova Scotia in the east. So, he planned to propose to Sarah at the beach with a captivating view of the Ocean. However, things didn’t work as intended. That particular day turned out to be foggy, and one could hardly see twenty feet in front. As a result, the scenic view and romance didn’t set up nicely.

Moreover, on their way back, their jeep got flat tires. It was a tiring day. But as night fell, Bryan proposed to the love of his life, to which she happily agreed.

Wedding Day!

Sarah and Bryan Baeumler Wedding picture

Bryan and Sarah rang wedding bells in Graydon Manor in Toronto. It was September 3, 2004, three years after their first date. Before the wedding, Bryan had booked an Oceanside cottage for the honeymoon. However, this plan was ruined too. A Hurricane hit the Florida Coast, and the couple had to settle for a Vegas trip. Sarah thinks it turned out better than she imagined.


Bryan Baeumler family

Today, Bryan and Sarah are happily married with four children. They share a lovely relationship, and that is part of the reason why their show is so successful. In ‘Renovation Island,’ we can see the couple sharing their part of the fun with their children in the property. They think it is a nice experience for everyone and has helped them grow and learn together as a family.

Social Media.

Bryan and Sarah have combined 500k+ followers in Instagram. The couple looks amazing together, and we can see them featuring each other in their walls frequently. In the show, they have occasional disputes. However, it is an indispensable part of every relationship, and fans love them for keeping it real.

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